The Legendary Phil Donahue: With Trump (1987), Nader, Medea Benjamin and .... (Videos)

Phillip John "Phil" Donahue is called the father of American talk shows. He was the creator and host of the most popular TV show in US history, The Phil Donahue Show, the first talk show format that included audience participation. The show had a 29-year run on national television in America that began in Dayton, Ohio, and ended in New York City in 1996. As a staunch promoter of the first amendment, Donahue frequently hosted people disagreeing with him, popular or government views. His shows often focused on issues that divide liberals and conservatives in the United States, such as abortion, consumer protection, civil rights and war issues. His guests included John F. Kennedy, Johnny Carson, Malcolm X, Elton John, Muhammad Ali, Noam Chomsky. Born in a middle class family from Cleveland, Ohio, Donahue in 1987 grilled a younger Donald Trump on lawsuits, vanity, disdain for the poor, stance against defending Saudi Arabia and Persian Gulf war, helping the poor, political aspirations, and ...:
His most frequent guest was Ralph Nader, for whom Donahue campaigned in 2000 and hosted Donahue recently (video below).
Donahue is known for his anti-war views. Donahue briefly hosted a talk show on MSNBC from July 2002 to March 2003 but his show was canceled under the pressure by General Electric and Microsoft when he criticized the impending invasion of Iraq by George Bush.
Donahue has promoted anti-war productions such as Paying the Price and Body of War.
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