Bijan Pakzad dies of massive stroke

Various facebook postings and the Wikipedia page of Bijan Pakzad, famed Iranian-American designer of world's "most expensive" fashion items, report he suffered a serious stroke yesterday. An Iranian blogger and former actor reported Bijan has died. Bijan's family members on Facebook reported he was in critical condition but later emerging news on Facebook confirmed Bijan's death.
Bijan Pakzad (generally known simply as Bijan) was a well-known Iranian American world-class designer of menswear and fragrances. Born 1944 in Tehran, Iran, Bijan immigrated to the United States in 1973. His exclusive boutique on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills was established in 1976 and can be visited by "appointment only." It has been described as "the most expensive store in the world". Bijan has always boasted of his Persian (Iranian) heritage with pride, although his Iranian critics claim they are not aware of Bijan's great wealth (estimated at a few hundred million dollars) being used in any major investment projects serving the needs of the Iranian community inside or outside Iran. The estimated 1 million Iranians in Southern California, despite the large number of millionaires among them, has no movie theater, cultural center, professional TV station, or even cemetery. The only Persian speaking AM Radio Station in the City was funded by non-Iranian investors and is owned by a non-Iranian group.
Bijan is known not only for his business relationships with the world's most famous and influential people (Michael Jordan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, ...) but also for his exquisite car collection, including a Yellow Rolls Royce Drophead Coupe which he parks outside his Rodeo Drive Boutique.

Recently the management at Rolls Royce teamed up with Bijan to custom-design 30 Limited-Edition models costing more than $1 Million each. Reflecting Bijan’s taste and creativity, these luxury motor vehicles are custom designed for the world’s most powerful people from 20 different countries.
Bijan Pakzad Designs 30 Limited Edition Rolls-Royce for The World’s Most Powerful
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