Colorful fashion in Iran's film festival prompts Morality Police presence (images)

According to Iranian news agencies (link in Farsi), The Morality Police (Gasht Ershad) has been called to monitor Iran's 2015 Fajr Film Festival in Tehran after spectators cheered for film stars and guests who showed up mostly with colorful and fashionable garments defying modesty standards and Islamic Hijab as defined by religious conservatives. Although there was only one female director (Niki Karimi) among nominees for awards, but several female directors and actors appeared in partial head cover, illegally showing hair. Hardliners blame this open defiance on President Rohani's open minded Culture and Guidance Minister Ali Jannati, whose own father Ayatollah Jannati is among Iran's oldest and most conservative old-guard clergymen.

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»This is a summary of the original feature in Farsi. To request a more extensive translation of the Farsi text, please contact us.