Oliver Stone's son receives award from Ahmadinejad in Tehran
Iran News Engine, Kodoom.com: During the second annual "Hollywoodism and Cinema" conference in Tehran yesterday, Sean Stone, documentary filmmaker and son of famed Hollywood director Oliver Stone, received an award from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who criticized Hollywood for justifying oppression and injustice in the world. Other American attendants included Thomas Pollard and Rabi Arnold Cohen, both critics of U.S. policies in the Middle East.

Sean Stone, 26, has been listed on the IMDB website as a documentary filmmaker and actor, having small roles in some of his father's movies. During his trip to Tehran last September, Sean Stone defended Iran's right to nuclear power and weapons.
Sean's father, triple Oscar-winning US director Oliver Stone has indicated his plans to make a movie about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. But sean's trip to Iran was apparently linked to his documentary film project about Rumi (Molavi), Iran's legendary mystic and sufi poet.