Sad story of Macaulay Culkin and other child stars

A shocking image of a thin, scruffy and sick-looking Macaulay Culkin was published on ET Online today. The 31-year old star rose to fame playing an adorable eight-year-old (pictured below) in the hugely successful Home Alone films. But his career as a child star later became overshadowed by claims of physical abuse and a highly-publicized dispute with his parents, whom he sued amid allegations that they had mishandled his fortune.

In 2002 Caulkin divorced his wife of four years and in 2011 he ended his eight-year romance with his girlfriend Mila Kunisand. In 2004 he was arrested for possession of illegal drugs. But Culkin is not alone when it comes to list of Hollywood child stars with sad life stories plagued with addictions, depressions, divorces, and suicides. Child-star mythology is dominated by terrible tales, as outlined in an article on E Online. Examples are Judy Garland's studio-prescribed pills, Michael Jackson's lost childhood and sad addictions/death, River Phoenix's last night out, Lindsay Lohan's car crashes and drug/alcohol addictions, and (former “Partridge Family” star) Danny Bonaduce's addictions, divorce and suicide attempt.
Beauty is skin deep: Scariest aging among Hollywood stars (pictures)