Star Wars' Luke Skywalker, Writing in Persian, and Fox News Host Defend Iran Against Trump!

Politics and Entertainment News Blog,
Iran has found some unexpected allies in the US, including (cast of) Luke Skywalker of Star Wars! Mark Hamill, in a surprising tweet written in Persian, satirically lashes out at Trump for his hypocrisy claiming (in Persian tweets) to be on the side of Iranian people while banning Iranian citizens from travelling to the US and threatening to destroy Iranian cultural sites!
Separately, last week the outspoken Geraldo Rivera of Fox News came to Iran's defense against attacks by the pro-Trump hosts of Fox & Friends discussing the targeting of the Ukrainian passenger plane by Iranian forces: "Can you imagine if the United States of America accidentally shot down a jetliner," Steve Doocy asked.
"Well, you know Steve, we did in 1988," Geraldo Rivera noted, referring to Iran Air Flight 655, which in July of that year was mistakenly shot down by the USS Vincennes in the Persian Gulf, killing 290 people. As CNN notes, the USS Vincennes' captain was wrongly told the passenger jet might be an Iranian F-14, which the U.S. military believed to be equipped with Maverick missiles.
"If the unknown aircraft was carrying those Maverick missiles, the U.S. captain had less than five minutes to decide if his ship was in danger!"
Several American actors have also lashed out at Trump for his decisions on provoking Iran. America's best known female footballer, Megan Rapinoe, lashed out at Trump: "People sent to war will definitely not be your children!" Separately, Robert De Niro published an image of the millions attending Soleimani's funeral indicating Trump unified Iranians.
Trump's military threat against Iranian cultural sites were also condemned by UNESCO as well as Iranian Americans and American celebrities like Misha Collins.
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