U.S. patent filed by scientific Advisor to Iran's leader: Theft of intellectual property?
A Professor at Tehran University and a scientific adviser to Iranian leader and President Ahmadinejad, Dr. Sadegh Vaez-Zadeh is among Iran's highest ranking and most influential officials. Yet he has been accused by an Iranian inventor of intellectual property theft.
In January 2010, Mr. Siamak Rezaei Darestani, an Iranian scientist and inventor registered his ground breaking invention, a high efficiency electrical induction motor, in Iran. He was required to submit technical details and prototypes to the examining expert Dr. Sadegh Vaez-Zadeh. But about 12 months later he was informed that Dr. Sadegh Vaez-Zadeh has indeed been named as a co-inventor on a U.S. patent on a similar topic.
Even though the application date for U.S. patent is in 2008, the Iranian inventor claims he has evidence Dr. Vaez-Zadeh has copied parts of his design into the new invention.
Dr. Vaez-Zadeh was recently appointed by Iranian leader as the Head of "Iranian -Islamic Scientific Progress Center."
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