While Busy Shopping, We Cause Global Warming, And Miss Alarming Climate Change Report
Health and Science Blog, Kodoom.com Editorial
Whether ironically or by design, the Trump Administration released the all-important alarming 2018 U.S. Fourth National Climate Assessment report to the public on "black Friday," the day after Thanksgiving holiday when many Americans pay more attention to shopping bargains than news about their planet! Ironically, consumerism (too much human consumption and "shopping"!) is now shown as a major contributor to anthropogenic climate change. So while our excessive shopping contributes to the climate change, it also distracts us enough not to note the important climate change news and reports "buried" among other news. No worries, we found the link and you can see the full report HERE and an interesting graphic breakdown by Grist of what climate change will do in the United States, region by region.
The latest US assessment provides a bleak forecast for the Nation, with particular attention being given to the negative impacts expected on the current, robust U.S. economy. An increase in the loss of property and productivity of people will affect regional economies that rely on natural resources, such as farming, tourism and fisheries. Unless greenhouse gas emissions are reduced, the U.S. economy is expected to lose hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the 21st century.
The overall impact on global warming on the U.S. and the world is sobering. The US report cites that interconnected communities and our supply chains will all be negatively affected: "Extreme weather and climate-related impacts on one system can result in increased risks or failures in other critical systems, including water resources, food production and distribution, energy and transportation, public health, international trade, and national security."
Water-borne and food-borne illnesses are both expected to rise and interior flood-prone areas and coastal communities are expected to witness chronic local and high-tide flooding. The report further confirms that low-income and marginalized communities, which are already burdened with the negative effects of climate change, will experience even greater stress in coping with the increased number and intensity of climate events. In October, in the aftermath of deadly and devastating Hurricane Michael, a news blog on The Guardian, Victims of Hurricane Michael are represented by climate deniers It is a wonder that a state like Florida, which will get pummeled by Michael, could vote for someone that denies climate change. Think of how backwards the situation is – the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has reportedly been banned from using the terms “climate change” and “global warming”. This policy reportedly went into effect when Florida elected a science denier, Rick Scott, to governor.

Separately, late November, a new report from the United Nations environment agency disclosed that the world is losing the race to cap global warming at two degrees Celsius - the target set out in the 2015 Paris climate treaty.
Since 1990, the government agency, U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), is required to provide a report to Congress and the President every 4 years on man-made and natural environmental changes projected in the next 25-100 years. The report is a mandate but the timing of its release by the Trump Administration was possibly intended to reduce its impact. When asked to comment on the report, President Trump, dismissed it by declaring "I don't believe it!"
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