Prominent German attorney and human rights activist Dr. Dr. Seyed Shahram Iranbomy, also a member of the Municipal Foreigners' Representation (Kommunalen Ausländervertretung, KAV) in Frankfurt AM, Germany, advises the European Union against supporting foreign states' territorial ...
Politics News Blog, /Recent news could be interpreted to forebear escalation of tensions and wars in Asia and the Middle East: The expanded deployment of U.S. Navy in the China Sea and Persian Gulf, The sharp drop in oil prices and popularity of world leaders such as ...
Independent Aggregator of Iran-related News/Events, Navy Captain Kavon Hakimzadeh took command of the USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier in July, achieving a goal he set for himself 30 years earlier as the son of an immigrant after he first laid ...
Independent Aggregator of Iran-related News/Events, Among Democrat Presidential candidates Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders are strongly against any wars with Iran but now the libertarian wing of the Republican party, many fans of former Congressman Ron Paul, are also ...
Independent Aggregator of Iran-related news, Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif answers (in Persian) to controversial candid uncensored questions by Iranian TV anchor Reza Rashidpour about The Nuclear Deal, Caspian Sea agreement and long-term fishing rights ...
Independent Aggregator of Iran-related News/Events, Trump's imminent meeting with Putin was preceded by a visit by Netanyahu in Moscow, several high-level visits by Saudi and Emirati leaders in Washington and Moscow, and a series of brazen attacks by Israel on bases ...
Independent Aggregator of Iran-related News/Events, The American-based WWE or World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., charged Saudi Arabians huge sums to stage a fake defeat of men carrying Iranian flag by Saudi Arabian wrestlers on Friday night in a charade in Jeddah ...