The speech that impressed Obama: Dr. Benjamin Carson (Video)

Few people have the U.S. President's ears for half an hour all by themselves, especially if they're conservative! But Dr. Benjamin Carson's speech at the national prayer breakfast in Washington, DC on February 7 did seem to impress President Obama and his wife, Michelle (see video below). The annual event features congressional and administration officials along with other notable Americans.
Dr. Carson is the youngest head of a major division at the prestigious and world-renowned Johns Hopkins Hospital (Pediatric Neurosurgery), and the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins, back in 1987. His remarks about his own childhood and his politically-incorrect "common sense" ideas on healthcare, education and taxation received rave reviews on YouTube (video above from C-SPAN) and other social media.

Singer Andrea Bocelli offered the closing song and Olympic gold medalist and gymnast Gabbi Douglas provides the closing prayer.
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