The Salman Rushdie of music? Iran calls for killing of ‘apostate’ rap artist

Al Arabiya website reported on Wednesday that Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani, a Shi’ite cleric based in the holy Iranian city of Qom, has issued a death sentence against rap artist Shahin Najafi for apostasy. The sentence was issued after Najafi released a controversial song called “Naqi” (video seen below) in which he sarcastically seeks help of Imam Naqi, the tenth Imam in Shi’ite Islam, in fighting the injustice and poverty in Iran. The song sparked fury among protesters who believe it is offensive to their sacred beliefs. The website Shia Online in Iran has launched a campaign calling for assassination of Najafi and placed a $100000 award on his head to be paid by a "benefactor from a Gulf Arabic state."
Najafi, 31, left Iran for Germany after he was banned performing his underground hip hop and rap songs often critical of socio-economic injustice in Iran. His recent song "Bega- Mega" became popular on YouTube and Facebook.
Shahin Najafi's Bega Mega!