How Trump Sanctions Stopped Charitable Polish Citizens Help a Stranded Iranian Trucker
Independent Aggregator of Iran-related News/Events,
It looks like the latest victim of Trump's new sanctions against Iran is a trucker who has been stranded in Poland for weeks now. According to news sources, Fardin Kazemi, a truck driver from the city of Khoi in Iran, has been stranded in Poland for weeks now after his aged American-made "International 9670" truck broke down while transporting Iranian raisins in Poland.

Since the trucker could not afford the expensive rare parts for the outdated truck, he slept in his truck for days. A group of humanitarian Polish truckers and citizens tried to help him by starting a fundraising page in Social Media.
The fundraiser collected more than 60000 Euros in donations in the first week and later enough to buy Fardin a new DAF truck. Unfortunately, the authorized dealer for DAF trucks in Poland has refused selling Fardin a new truck by mentioning new sanctions imposed by Trump on Iranian citizens.
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