Octavia Nasr fired from CNN after expressing her views on Twitter

Huffington Post reported yesterday that Otavia Nasr, CNN's Senior Editor of Middle East affairs was forced to leave the network over a tweet in which she praised the late Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah as "One of Hezbollah's giants I respect a lot." Nasr, of Lebanese Christian background, later explained her "respect" for Fadlallah by citing his "contrarian and pioneering stand among Shia clerics on woman's rights," such as his opposition to "honor killing" and other extremist abuse of women.
The Iranian - American Parisa Khosravi, Senior VP of CNN International Newsgathering, announced the departure of Nasr. The firing is criticized by some as intellectual terrorism by CNN, and some call Octavia Nasr, as "Another victim of America's Thought Police." There are other examples of harsh treatment for journalists criticizing Israel or talking positively about Palestinians. Recently, Helen Thomas, outspoken veteran White House journalist for 67 years was forced to resign after her candid remarks about Israel's militancy and occupation of Palestine.
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