Tunisian Police starts to join people

It is known that Tunisians like their Army but hate the Police force for its role in violent suppression of peaceful demonstrations. But it was reported today that some police officers have joined protesters in a march towards the prime minister's office. Under pressure, the interim Tunisian government has ordered release of all political prisoners and confiscation of former dictator's assets.
Some regional leaders seem to have learned lessons from the Tunisian revolution. In Yemen today, Ali Abdollah Saleh announced that he has changed his mind and will not seek re-election as the permanent President of Yemen. In Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who received warm support from the former Tunisian dictator following Ahmadinejad's victory in Iran's 2009 contested Presidential elections, distanced himself from Ben Ali and called him a dictator.
In the region, and even in countries as far as France, there are numerous reports of self-immolation (setting one's self on fire) by protesters seeking attention to injustices. Today, a Saudi Islamic Scholar issued a fatwa against self-burning. Many Middle Eastern dictatorships are watchfully observing the Tunisian revolution.
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