American Women Impose Another Big Defeat on Trump's Party in Elections
Political Blog, Editorial:
Last November Democrat women, including several Iranian Americans (see list of winners HERE), muslims and immigrants, blew a major defeat to President Trump's party in federal, state and local elections across the US. This week, once again suburban women in states like Virginia and Pennsylvania, and even in traditionally red states like Kentucky, are believed to be responsible for a widespread victory by Democrats, Independents and Anti-Trump candidates in state elections across the US.
In Virginia, Democrats won both the House of Delegates and the State Senate on Tuesday. All 140 legislative seats were on the ballot and Democrats took full control of state government for the first time since 1994. Also, the first Muslim-American woman, of Indian ancestry, was elected to Virginia Senate. Ghazala Hashmi defeated Republican incumbent Sen. Glen Sturtevant (R-Richmond) in the race for Virginia’s 10th Senate District on Tuesday night.

Even Juli Briskman, the female cyclist who flipped off Trump's motorcade in 2017, and lost her job because of it, has won her bid for local office in Virginia. Speaking to CNN in 2017, Briskman contended she's "really not" the bird-flipping type, but still made her feelings toward Trump clear: "Health care doesn't pass, but you try to dismantle it from the inside.. Five hundred people get shot in Las Vegas; you're doing nothing about it. You know, white supremacists have this big march and hurt a bunch of people down in Charlottesville and you call them good people!.. My finger said what I was feeling! I'm angry and I'm frustrated."
In Pennsylvania and Kentucky too, voters in historically Republican suburbs supported Democratic candidates, in part because of antipathy toward President Trump. In Kentucky, Democrat Andy Beshear, claimed victory and narrowly leads incumbent Republican Governor Matt Bevin. On the night before election, trump made a personal plea at his Kentucky rally imploring Kentucky voters to go to the polls for Bevin: "You can't let that happen to me!" He said he did not want the the narrative to be: "Trump suffered the greatest defeat in the history of the world!" But voters just did that to him!
In the battleground state of Pennsylvania, Democrats scored victories to hold all five seats on the Delaware County Council, a Republican stronghold since the Civil War, and also assumed a majority on the legislative body in Chester County. In Bucks County, Democrats captured the Board of Commissioners for the first time since 1983.
The election didn’t just showcase Democrats defeating Republicans, it also had progressive insurgents beating machine Democrats. According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, Stacy Maillie, a nurse and a registered Republican in Pennsylvania felt safe voting for Democrats. She voted Democratic at Springfield Township High School after a 12-hour shift in the emergency room. "I’m not happy with our current state of the Republican Party ... I think it’s too divisive, and I think that the Democratic Party is more tolerant and inclusive. I just find that the current Republican Party has become more extreme."
Several Independent candidates also scored victories. In Philadelphia, Kendra Brooks became the first candidate from outside the two major parties to win a City Council seat in the 100 years since it adopted a modern legislative structure.
In Scranton, independent Paige Cognetti, who declined to seek the Democratic nomination in a special mayoral contest because, she said, she didn’t trust the party, was elected mayor.
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