Cyrus the Great and Trump on Special Edition Israeli coin
ABC News: To celebrate U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem and Israel's 70th anniversary, The Israeli Mikdash Educational Center has minted special edition gold and silver-plated coins with images of Donald Trump and Cyrus the Great, ancient Persian Emperor, as well as flags of the United States of America and old Persia.
"President Trump is starting a prophetic process by moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem. Just like King Cyrus 2,500 years ago said: 'he charged me to build a house in Jerusalem', here again, President Trump is building a house in Jerusalem," the organization said in a statement.

The opening of US embassy in Jerusalem was also marked with violence and bloodshed last week. More than 62 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces during protests near the border that marked the 70th anniversary of the expulsion of 700,000 people during the creation of Israel.
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