From Biden's Gaffe to Internet Speed and Nuclear Deal: Iranians Impacted by War in Ukraine
Politics News Blog The invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces have impacted Iranians in several ways:

1) Internet speed is reportedly sharply lower in Iran after interruptions to Russia Telecom's Internet Services supplied to Iran via Ukraine. Internet interruptions have disrupted electronic prescription services in pharmacies according to reports from Iranian sources.
2) Flights from Tehran to Moscow have been occasionally interrupted when Russia closes its air space.
3) The good news for Iranians is the sudden change of heart by Americans to bring the new Nuclear Deal with Iran to a conclusion that would allow Iran to export oil to international markets and help ease the current oil crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. There seems to be a glitch in the talks, however, and Russians and American sides are blaming each other for stonewalling the nuclear talks. Putin has blamed Americans for the crisis in oil markets and for imposing harsh sanctions against countries like Iran and Venezuela. Germany, France, UK have urged Russia not to add roadblocks to Iran Nuclear Deal to gain advantages related to Ukraine.
4) Last week, President Biden confused Iran and Ukraine in the State of the Union address. When speaking about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, President Biden said that, Russian president Vladimir Putin would never "gain the hearts and souls of the IRANIAN people" when he was supposed to refer to the Ukranian population!
5) Several hundred Iranians studying in Ukrainian universities have been forced to leave the country through its Western borders.
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