Israeli Forces, Drones Stationed in Afghanistan: Eye on Iran or Training ISIS?
Earlier in 2018 sources quoted by the Russian newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta announced that some 90 members of the Israeli special forces were using American identity to establish themselves in US controlled territories in Afghanistan. According to Veterans Today, Israel’s new deployments, as a base of operations against Iran from Afghanistan’s soil, supplement Mossad and CIA operational groups that have coordinated the relocation of ISIS forces from Syria to Afghanistan. Sources on the ground and on the base itself, Jalalabad Air Base, say the CIA and Mossad have set up training centers for ISIS with contract flights from Turkey and Iraq delivering jihadists on a bi-weekly basis.

According to this information, Israeli commandos would thus benefit from the judicial immunity already available to American soldiers present in Afghanistan.
According to the London-based specialist journal Jane’s Defense and the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot, a government minister from Rabbani’s party, Northern Alliance, reportedly met with the director general of the Israeli Foreign Ministry in a European capital. According to Veterans Today, there seems to be plans to evacuate defeated ISIL members from Iraq and Syria to Afghanistan, from where Israel and US intend to launch a new phase of their war against Iran and Pakistani-aligned Talibans.
In May 2018, it was announced that Israel Defense Force command unit, newly stationed at the formerly closed US military facility and air base at Farah City in Farah Province, Western Afghanistan, came under Taliban attack. Israel forces were hit with rocket and mortar attacks, losing one helicopter (US) and suffering casualties. Israeli forces withdrew, evacuated to Shindand Air Base in Herat Province.
In June 2018, it was announced that Israel Aerospace Industries had signed a $600 million deal with Airbus Group to lease Israeli Heron TP drones to Germany’s Defense Ministry for deployment in Afghanistan and other areas.
Israel also has intelligence and military collaborations with other neighbors of Iran, especially the Kurdistan province in Iraq and The Republic of Azerbaijan.
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