Mysteriously Dead Sex Ring Leader Linked to Trump, Clinton, Dershowitz, Israel, British Prince
The mysterious sudden death of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein inside prison, right before his public trial on charges of procuring underage girls for prostitution to some powerful clients has placed many celebrities under scrutiny. Epstein's name has been linked to Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Britain’s Prince Andrew, movie director Woody Allen, and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Epstein also played a role in Israeli politics. Benjamin Netanyahu has questioned Epstein’s ties to his opponent Eihud Barak. Yet Netanyahu's own close friend and ally, Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz is also facing a defamation lawsuit by Virginia Roberts Giuffre claiming she was (sex) trafficked to Dershowitz by Epstein, and Dershowitz personally witnessed Epstein coercing underage girls to have sex.

In documents now disclosed to the public, Giuffre describes what would otherwise seem idyllic days at Little St. James Island with Epstein and his companion, alleged procurer, fixer and accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell: "Jeffrey needs to have sex at least seven times a day!"

Reportedly, even Donald Trump has faced a child rape lawsuit filed by a plaintiff that alleges that in 1994 she was held as a sex slave in an apartment belonging to Jeffrey Epstein and on one occasion, Trump tied her to a bed, exposed himself and then "proceeded to forcibly rape" her.
Given the connection of Epstein to a group of most powerful men, many had speculated he would never go on a public trial. Interestingly, progressive political satirists like Jimmy Dore even predicted "staged" suicide of Epstein!
Epstein had investments in the startup Reporty Homeland Security (rebranded as Carbyne in 2018), connected with Israel's defense industry. The company was headed by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak who was a close friend of Epstein and often crashed at one of Epstein's apartment units at 301 East 66th Street in Manhattan, New York.
Epstein's death is now linked by journalist Kim Iversen and some bloggers such as The Last American Vagabond and Whitney Webb of Mint Press News to sexual blackmailing such as the one used in Iran-Contra scandal, and Epstein's interactions with the Israeli lobby:
According to Daily Beast, the former Israeli prime minister has been photographed leaving Epstein’s Upper East Side mansion in 2016 and has acknowledged visiting the billionaire’s private Caribbean island, where Epstein is accused of hosting sex orgies with underage girls. But he was not alone. Epstein traveled in elite circles of finance, politics, and media; as the flight manifests published by Gawker show, he was quite literally jet-setting with everyone from Chris Tucker to vBill Clinton, Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, Attorney Kenneth Starr and U.S. Attorney General William Barr (part of Law firm that represented Epstein team in 2007).
Who is Jeffrey Epstein?
Jeffrey Epstein was a 61-year-old ex-banker who traded his time between Paris; Palm Beach, Florida; rural New Mexico; and the U.S. Virgin Islands. He was born in Brooklyn, attended the Dalton School and N.Y.U., worked at a financial firm called Bear Stearns for six years in the 1970s and 80s, and struck out with his own financial firm in 1982.
Epstein's net worth is rumored to be, or have been at one point, in the billions—not just rich, but "top-out-of-sight" rich, so immensely wealthy that he and his friends are almost never required to interact with members of the general public.
And then, in 2008, at the age of 55, Epstein was arrested for soliciting an underage prostitute in Palm Beach, Florida. He pled guilty to the charges, and is currently a registered sex offender—but received an unusually light sentence for his conviction, given the amount of evidence prosecutors had gathered to indict him. He was sentenced to 18 months in jail, but ended up doing only 13 months, which he served in a private section of the Palm Beach Jail, whose warden permitted Epstein to leave the premises for up to 16 hours at a time.
Dozens of women have said that Epstein sexually abused them when they were underage, recruiting them for massages during which he or his clients would masturbate, touch them, and sometimes rape them. In some cases, girls were encouraged to go out and recruit other girls, the Herald’s Brown reported, in what one detective likened to a "sexual pyramid scheme." Some of the girls had lost parents or left home; some were very poor.
"Jeffrey preyed on girls who were in a bad way, girls who were basically homeless," Courtney Wild, who met Epstein at just 14, told the Herald. "He went after girls who he thought no one would listen to, and he was right."
According to VOX, Now that Epstein is dead, at least some of what he did — and what others did to protect him — may remain secret forever. But the exposure, prosecution and indictment of one of America's most powerful, mysterious and "sleazy" figures is a testament to an independent Judiciary and vigilant media in the United States.
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