Pictures from Venezuela may cause trouble for Ahmadinejad
This week Senior Iranian clerics harshly criticized Ahmadinejad (news link) for saying Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez will be resurrected alongside Jesus Christ and Mahdi (the hidden imam who Shia Muslims believe will rise up to bring world peace). But with new pictures emerging after Ahmadinejad's travel to Venezuela, he may be in deeper trouble after returning to Iran.

In one picture (shown here) Ahmadinejad is holding hands with Elena Frias, mother of Venezuela's late President Hugo Chavez, during the funeral service at the Military Academy in Caracas. This is not allowed in Iran because unrelated women and men cannot touch each other in public.

In another picture (shown here), Ahmadinejad is seen bowing to the coffin of Chavez while also facing legs of women wearing short skirts. These are also not allowed in Iran or by Muslim men.
Chavez, who was admired by Ahmadinejad and even mentioned as a potential "Muslim in heart," was a freedom fighter but certainly not a follower of Islamic rules on modesty and proper men-women relationships. According to a recent report in Huffington Post, Chavez was called by many as a Don Juan, a man who loved women and women loved him back. Wherever he went for his public appearances, women of all ages flocked to him, hoping to get a hug or a kiss.
Hugo Chavez has a long list of romances but he was married only twice. The first time he married Nancy Colmenares when he was only 23. Colmenares is the mother of his first three children. A few years later, he met Herma Marksman, a revolutionary historian, and had her as his mistress for as long as 10 years while he was married to Colmenares. Marksman stood by his side while he was in prison but their relationship began to decline before he was released. Today, Marksman fiercely opposes the Chavez regime.

Chavez met his second wife, Marisabel Rodriguez, two years after being released from prison. She was a gorgeous blonde Venezuelan radio journalist. It was love at first sight and they conceived their only child, Rosines, on their very first date according to declarations they made to El Universal diary. They were married from 1997 to 2004. Their divorce was caused by Chavez’s affairs and the feeling of hatred in Chavez’s world, said Rodriguez. After the divorce, Rodriguez and Chavez ended up in a legal dispute for custody of Rosinés. Rodriguez accused Chavez of domestic violence and harassment.

There hadn’t been an official relationship for Chavez since his last marriage. People said he had lovers in Ciudad Bolivar— whom he visited in the presidential plane; that he had romances with British Supermodel Naomi Campbell, former Argentine Ambassador to Venezuela Alicia Castro, Venezuelan actress and former Miss Venezuela Ruddy Rosario Rodriguez de Lucia, Colombian Congresswoman Piedad Cordoba and others (some seen in pictures here).

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