The Less Told Stories Following the Assassination of Iranian General Soleimani
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The following news were mostly ignored by large corporate and government-funded media following the assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. But independent-minded observers could easily find them by browsing the "Persian/Farsi" pages of, the only independent (unbiased) robotics aggregator of Iran-related news from sources inside and outside Iran:
- At least 13 top graduates of Sharif University of Technology were among passengers killed in Ukraine flight crash in Tehran including several expatriates from Britain (one a newly wed). Among the 176 passengers who died were 17 Iranian expats from Sweden and 138 from Canada according to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who now says he has intelligence Iran shot down the Ukrainian airliner (perhaps by mistake).
- According to news published by Persian sources (link), Politico (news link), and CBS Los Angeles (news link), following Trump's decisions, at least 60 Americans of Iranian origin were interrogated/detained for hours on the US Canada border. According to Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, NWIRP executive director Jorge Barón traveled to the Customs and Border Patrol port of entry in Blaine, WA responding to reports of Iranian-American community members being detained for questioning by border patrol agents: "They were not being allowed to enter the U.S. (their only home) and CBP was holding their passports so they couldn't back to Canada even if they had wanted to. So yes, they were detained. The people I made contact there were held up for questioning for as long as 2 1/2 hours. But this wasn't as bad as it was last night. This evening I spoke to a permanent resident who spent 11 hrs at this 'secondary screening'!"
- Commander Soleimani was born in the small village of Qanat Malek in Kerman province to a poor farmer family. He was a construction employee of the Water Services in his youth prior to joining IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps). His wife and children lived in a modest house in Tehran. He distributed food supplies to villages in Kerman during his occasional trips back to his birthplace.
- Qasem Soleimani was instrumental in pushing back Iraqi forces during Saddam Hussein invasion of Iran, defeating drug lords and Taliban-linked rings in Iran's eastern and southern provinces and ISIL fighters in Iraq and Syria, Strategic formation and support of Lebanese Hezbollah, Iraq's shia militia, Syrian army and Palestinian fighters in Gaza. The majority of Cmdr. Soleimani's band of brothers and comrades (Iranian, Lebanese, Iraqi, Syrian, Afghan) in different wars were killed or injured before him. He had publicly wished to join them in "martyrdom." In his will, he has asked to be buried next to one of his fellow Iran-Iraq war veteran who was known as the calmest warrior and a victim of Iraq's chemical weapons. Soleimani also asked for a simple tombstone without frills scribed with words: "A Soldier."

- Iraqi officials confirmed Cmdr. Soleimani was in Iraq to personally convey a confidential response letter from Iran to Saudi Arabia. The assassination of Cmdr. Soleimani backfired on Trump after the Iraqi Parliament Voted to Expel American Troops and Submit UN Complaint Against US for Violation of Sovereignty. Trump responded by threatening the Iraqi government unless they pay for the costs of US military bases such as Ain Assad. That base was attacked by Iranian forces 24 hours after Trump statements.
- Trump's decision to assassinate Soleimani has backfired among some Republican Senators. After a closed door session, , several US Senators, including Republicans, called Trump's justification of killing Soleimani ridiculous. Republicans Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee called the Iran briefing 'insulting and demeaning!'
- Several American actors also lashed out at Trump for his decisions on provoking Iran. America's best known female footballer, Megan Rapinoe, lashed out at Trump: "People sent to war will definitely not be your children!" Separately, Robert De Niro published an image of the millions attending Soleimani's funeral indicating Trump unified Iranians.
- Trump's military threat against Iranian cultural sites were also condemned by UNESCO as well as Iranian Americans and American celebrities like Misha Collins.
- Trump has denied there were any US casualties in Iran's revenge attack on Ain Asssad US Air Base in Iraq. But IRGC's Aerospace Commander insisted today that Trump is lying: "Many Americans killed in Assad Air Base although we could kill more!" There are currently no reliable independent assessment of either side's claims.
- As Trump ordered a new round of sanctions on Iran's oil and gas, Russian gas pipeline to Europe was launched yesterday jointly by Erdogan and Putin.
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