US to Expel Children of Islamic Republic Officials: A Political Victory for Iranian American Dissidents
Independent aggregator of Iran-related Events/News, Since the 1979 revolution, government officials in Islamic Republic of Iran have publicly condemned the United States of America as an oppressive hedonistic capitalist enemy of Iran and Islam, but in private many have sent their children to the US for education or permanent residence. Even the spokesperson for the group who took American diplomats in Tehran as hostages in 1979, has sent her son to the US for higher education!
But this may soon come to an end as Iranian American dissidents and the exiled opposition to the Islamic Republic government have successfully lined up with the Trump Administration sanctions against Iran to expel the children of Iranian government officials from the US. Today Brian Hook, Trump's special envoy for Iran, hinted U.S. could revoke visas Of Iranian officials' kin. Hook said the presence of the heirs of Iranian officials in the United States, which is routinely branded the "Great Satan" by Iranian hard-liners, exemplifies "the hypocrisy of the regime."
Masih Alinejad and Afshin Afshin Jam, political activists living in the US and Canada, respectively, have published a partial list of names that may be subject to deportation. Relatives of Iranian officials in the United States include the son of Massumeh Ebtekar, Iran's vice president, who served as a spokeswoman for the Islamic student revolutionaries who seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979, the daughters of former Iranian President, Mohammad Khatami, and current parliamentary speaker, Ali Larijani, and granddaughter of a conservative Ayatollah, Mohammad Yazdi, who is currently studying law at Fordham University.
Other children or relatives of Iranian officials, such as Rouhollah Rahmani, son-in-law of Haddad Adel (Adviser to Iranian Leader), the US-born computer scientist who worked for Microsoft, now Chairman Of The Board at DigiKala Iran, cannot be deported because they were born in the United States.

The Trump administration earlier this year won a Supreme Court battle over a travel ban on citizens of Iran and four other Muslim countries. The Iranian outcry was swift and sharp, with complaints that Iranians of all walks of life were being unfairly punished for the actions of policies emanating from Tehran.
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