Videos: Clash Between Armed Anti-Fascism and Pro-Trump Protesters

Video News Blog, Politics
It is not only Iran and China, but the streets of America, which may be seriously impacted by this November's Presidential election.
These videos and pictures show Stone Mountain, Georgia today. Thankfully the sporadic brawls between armed pro Trump (pro-confederate flag) and armed anti Trump groups such as Black Lives Matter, Anti Fascist (Anti-Fa), FLOWER Anti-racist protesters did not end in a shootout but the tension could foreshadow a violent election season ahead.
Good news: Among the shouts, anger and gun brandishing, there were calmer cooler heads on both sides talking to each other. Bad news: There were a lot of angry folks on both sides, from the disgruntled working class, who seem to be ready, locked and loaded to go to war over Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Both candidates have support from bankers and Wall Street:

You can see more reports posted on Ford Fischer twitter account.
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