Japan's "shaky" future: A reality every Japanese should recognize

Japan's NHK TV recently aired a shocking documentary about catastrophic natural events awaiting Japan, and indicated "This is a reality every Japanese should recognize!" The documentary "Crumbling Earth: Downpours and Quakes Threaten Japan," highlights the unstable nature of Japan's landscape due to an unfortunate combination of Deep seated landslides (caused by frequent downpours) and earthquakes. The documentary indicated there were some 11254 landslides in Japan between 2002 and 2011. Many of these are deep-seated landslides, caused by massive downpours resulting from warming ocean water temperatures. In recent years, rainfalls of 10 centimeter per hour are not uncommon in Japan. Some of these landslides have been devastating. For example, some 80 people died in Kii Peninsula in 2011 due to a massive landslide. When typhoons hit Japan the Kii Peninsula is typically the worst affected area, with daily rainfalls as high as 94 centimeters!
The liguefaction of wet ground and mountain layers in Japan is exacerbated by earthquakes and tremors. Complete communities have vanished under mountain debris and there is fear that many more are at risk.
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