New Update on Coronavirus: From Naked Dentists to Real Death Toll
Society and Science Blog, Editorial:
The following are interesting updates and claims, some shocking, related to coronavirus:
- The Naked Dentists movement in France scores a victory by forcing the government to offer dentists 4 masks a day during coronavirus spread. Many dentists say they won't have enough personal protective equipment, or PPE, to protect them from the coronavirus as they treat their patients. So they protested in a unique way by stripping down!
- In Iran, last week an Islamic medicine practitioner and director of Imam Sadegh Medicine, was arrested after publishing a video advising followers, quoting a Shia Imam, to drink "fresh camel urine" as treatment for respiratory illnesses and coronavirus. In the U.S., President Trump was mocked by suggesting shining light and injecting disinfectants "inside" people may help cure coronavirus. In both cases, however, there is some scientific evidence backing parts of the misguided non-scientific claims but with caveats! For example see an article about camel urine (link) and effect of sunlight on coronavirus.
- Trump has Stopped Funding A Research Project On Bats And Coronaviruses. The project was run by a U.S. nonprofit called EcoHealth Alliance managed by scientists that had predicted coronavirus pandemic years ago (video and news link).
- A UN report has pointed out to continued population growth on the planet as long term coronavirus quarantine not only saves millions of lives but is also expected to lead to seven million unplanned pregnancies and babies!
- U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Is Far Higher Than Reported, C.D.C. Data Suggests: "The new data belie arguments that the virus is only killing people who would have died anyway from other causes. Instead, the virus has brought a pattern of deaths unlike anything seen in recent years." If you look at the provisional deaths from all causes, death counts in New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Massachusetts, Illinois, Maryland and Colorado have spiked far above their normal levels for the period. In New York City, the home of the biggest outbreak, the number of deaths over this period is more than three times the normal number. Separately, in Brazil, an aerial image of a mass grave confirms coronavirus has increased death toll from normal levels by 500%.
- In the U.S., controversy over grants and loans continue. While many small businesses have found it difficult or impossible to get one of the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, larger and politically connected US corporations have received millions ahead of others. Now, the Trump Administration plans to lend $500 billion to large companies. It won’t require them to preserve jobs or limit executive pay!
- An ancient Parthian soldier skeleton was discovered when burying a coronavirus victim near Sari, in Mazandaran province in Iran.
From Camel's Urine to Trump's Favorite Drug: New Claims and Update on Coronavirus
Shocking Claims About Coronavirus, Its Source and Detector to Iranian Artist's Depiction 8 Years Ago
Religious Sects in Iran and Israel Defy Official Coronavirus Guidelines
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- From Camel's Urine to Trump's Favorite Drug: New Claims and Update on Coronavirus
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- Spanish Prime Minister Quotes Persian Poet in Inspirational Speech to His Nation About Coronavirus
- Religious Sects in Iran and Israel Defy Official Coronavirus Guidelines
- See for Yourself: Quiet Streets and Clean Air in Tehran After Coronavirus
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- Videos: These Scientists Had Predicted Coronavirus Pandemic As Humans Damage Ecosystems
- Chart: Evolution and Genomic Epidemiology of Novel Coronavirus with Time
- A Coronavirus Patient Dies in Gilan Hospital After Clergyman Rubs Concoction on Patients Lips
- Video: Iranian Ayatollah Dies of Coronavirus After Claiming Eating Holy Dirt Cured Him
- Coronavirus Leading to Divorce of Supposedly Lovers!
Related to Health:
- This 1972 Study Predicted The Planet Would Revolt Against Humans in 2020
- From Camel's Urine to Trump's Favorite Drug: New Claims and Update on Coronavirus
- Shocking Claims About Coronavirus, Its Source and Detector to Iranian Artist's Depiction 8 Years Ago
- Videos: Snowden, Icke Warn People to Watch Their Civil Liberties Following Coronavirus
- Shocking Updates on Coronavirus: Coincidences, 5G, Iran, Saudi Arabia, US Updates; Bill Gates Predictions
- Spanish Prime Minister Quotes Persian Poet in Inspirational Speech to His Nation About Coronavirus
- Religious Sects in Iran and Israel Defy Official Coronavirus Guidelines
- See for Yourself: Quiet Streets and Clean Air in Tehran After Coronavirus
- We Are All in This Together! NOT! From Madonna to Gadot: Coronavirus Exposes the Ugly Truth About The Rich and Famous
- Videos: These Scientists Had Predicted Coronavirus Pandemic As Humans Damage Ecosystems
- Chart: Evolution and Genomic Epidemiology of Novel Coronavirus with Time
- A Coronavirus Patient Dies in Gilan Hospital After Clergyman Rubs Concoction on Patients Lips
- The REAL Numbers About Coronavirus You Will Not Hear in Mass Media
- Iranians React Creatively to Coronavirus: From Licking Holy Shrines to American Flag Masks!
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