Park Police officers Who Shot Bijan Ghaisar Knew He Was NOT a Suspect News Blog, Iranians in Diaspora
According to news posted by Washington Post, Park Police officers who shot a young Iranian American in the head in November 2017, were told that he was not a suspect in an earlier accident. In April, the case against the two U.S. Park Police officers who have been charged in the shooting death of Bijan Ghaisar moved to federal court. The two officers, Alejandro Amaya and Lucas Vinyard, were indicted on manslaughter charges for their alleged role in Ghaisar’s death.

Last October, despite a refusal by the Trump Administration's Justice Department to file federal criminal civil rights charges, U.S. Park Police Officers Alejandro Amaya and Lucas Vinyard (shown below) were indicted by a local grand jury charging them with involuntary manslaughter and reckless use of a firearm in the 2017 slaying of unarmed Iranian American motorist Bijan Ghaisar.
After the FBI investigated for two years, the Justice Department decided not to file federal criminal civil rights charges against Amaya and Vinyard. Fairfax Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve T. Descano picked up the case in January 2020 and asked the Fairfax court to impanel a special grand jury in August, and the grand jury met three times before issuing indictments against both officers last week.
The following AJ+ video highlights the story:
Nearly three years after Iranian American accountant Bijan C. Ghaisar, 25, of McLean, Virginia was shot in the head by U.S. Park Police, Federal authorities continue to decline to discuss why officers shot Ghaisar after a fender-bender in Northern Virginia.

According to Washington Post, however, a report released by Fairfax County police, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from The Washington Post, says Ghaisar "did not" have a weapon on him. Park Police officers had to smash open Ghaisar's driver's side window to free him from his vehicle after they shot him.
A Year Later: Virginia Police Says Young Iranian American Was Unarmed When Killed by Park Police
US Senator Wants FBI to Break Silence on Killing of Unarmed Iranian American + Video
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