Shocking Stats About Addictions, Suicides, Anti-Religion, Anti-Authority Sentiments in Iran
Society and Culture News Blog,
Taghi Rostam Vandi, The Director of Iran's Social Affairs Administration has shared shocking statistics about behavioral and cultural trends in the country:
- Some 10% of adult Iranians abuse alcohol and 27% have positive attitudes towards narcotics and drug use.
- Last year some 50,000-60,000 people died from smoking-related diseases.
- There are about 100,000 suicide attempts a year in the country and about 5% of them are successful.
- 40-45% of people believe laws are jokes, not followed by citizens or government officials. About 50% of citizens believe injustice is widespread.
- There are 300,000-400,000 abortions a year in the country despite being banned (illegal).

- There are concerning trends and increase in the numbers of out-of-marriage sexual relationships, underground parties, people inclined to join riots or revolutions, women defying Islamic head cover mandates, and people planning to immigrate or seek asylum abroad.
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