Stunted Population Growth: 20% of Couples are Infertile
Last month, Iranian officials announced that the country's population growth rate has reached a historic low of 0.7%. The country's population is aging fast too with 11% of the population now 60 years and older.

This month, another official has warned about the high number of illegal abortions despite the current bans and restrictions. According to Saleh Ghasemi, Spokesperson for Tehran's Council on Population Strategies, an estimated 370,000 abortions are annually reported in the country.
Ghasemi believes spending money on promoting "four children per family" as a social message will help turn around the country's current population growth rate at 0.7% which is a historic low. He confirmed that an estimated 20% of Iranian couples are infertile but did not provide explanations as to the causes or lifestyle factors causing such a high infertility rate.
Iran's birth rates have dropped from six to 1.6 per woman in just 30 years, a record reduction in fertility and birth rate in the world.
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