In Pictures: Tears and Watermelon! Iranian Women Allowed into Stadiums after 40 years, and Self Immolation of Sahar

Independent Aggretaor of Iran-related News/Events, Today's admission of Iranian women into the football (soccer) match against Cambodia in Azadi stadium, is a bitter sweet symbolic victory for female football fans who have been banned by conservative Ayatollahs from entering sports stadiums to watch male sports.
The relatively small number of women were welcomed with water melon and syrups. Many women were in tears. Other women stuck outside the stadium complained about tickets shown as SOLD OUT online while the stadium was mostly empty!
Today's event follows the re-election of reform-minded President Rouhani, and the tragic death by self immolation of Sahar Khodayari to protest the ban, which resulted in FIFA's sanctions and ultimatum on Iran. It also follows Saudi Arabia's new initiatives for women masterminded by Prince Bin Salman.
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