This Video by Italian Columnist Mocks Censorship of Women on Iranian TV

Independent Aggregator of Iran-related News, Italian columnist Manuel Adorni has posted a satirical (fake) video on his twitter account mocking the way Iranian state-run (Islamic) TV censors images of uncovered women while broadcasting international sport events:
Televisión iraní: censura en transmisión de atletismo femenino. En algunas partes del mundo es donde deberían darse las verdaderas batallas por la libertad.
— Manuel Adorni (@madorni) October 1, 2019
Conservative Iranian Ayatollahs mandate Hijab (Islamic head and body cover) for Iranian women athletes even in international arenas and in hot summer days. The state-run TV is also forbidden to show images of women athletes or sports fans showing too mush skin.
Recently an Iranian woman burnt herself to death to protest the ban on admission of women to Iranian stadiums. Consequently, FIFA has forced Iranian government to reverse policies and admit women inside stadiums starting next month.
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