Brother and Sister Chess Prodigies Leave Iran After Being Penalized for Hijab and Israel
Independent Aggregator of Iran-related News/Events, The Derakhshani brother and sister chess prodigies who were banned in Iran have decided to join other countries' professional chess teams.

Dorsa Derakhshani, who was banned from the Iranian national women's team for attending the Tradewise Gibraltar Chess tournament without wearing an Islamic headscarf (Hijab) has decided to join the US Chess Federation.

At the same competition in Gibraltar, Dorsa's brother Borna, also a chess prodigy, was paired up by a computer against Israeli grandmaster Alexander Huzman. Borna decided to honor the match despite Iran's strict rules of boycotting matches against any Israeli citizen. After the match, Borna was banned forever from playing for Iran again. It was announced today that Borna has decided to join the British Chess Federation and will play in international tournaments for England.

Dorsa's mentor Ehsan Moradi, also a Grandmaster, also left Iran to live and play chess in the United States.
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