Top Headlines: Iran, Israel, War, Pollution, Unrest, Hijab, Alcohol
The following are English translation of Persian headlines (hyperlinked to the source) from some of the most visited recent news pages extracted by Kodoom's News Robot (AI) Aggregator:
Crime, Disease and Social Vice:
Last year, Tehran only had 10 days of clean air!
تهران سال گذشته فقط ۱۰ روز پاک بود!

Untold details about Iran's largest heist: Part of bank Melli deposits are in Turnkey now
جزئیات گفته نشده از سرقت بزرگ قرن: بخشی از اموال صندوق امانات بانک ملی در ترکیه است
21 More people die in Mazandaran after using bootlegged alcohol
مسمومیت الکلی در مازندران؛ ۲۱ نفر فوت کردند
After Gilan and Mazandaran, more people die in Hamedan after consuming bootlegged alcohol
بعد از مازندران و گیلان نوبت همدان رسید: افزایش جان باختگان مشروبات الکلی در همدان

More people die in Islamic Republic of Iran after using contraband alcohol
ادامه مرگ و میر و مسمومیت در جمهوری اسلامی با مصرف مشروبات الکلی قاچاق
Music Professor and lover shot dead mafia-style in cold blood in Villa by Northern seaside
جزئیات قتل مسلحانه مافیایی استاد سنتور دانشگاه تهران و معشوقه اش در ویلای شمال
Politics, Iran, Israel, Russia, War, Unrest, Mandatory Hijab:
Commander Fadavi: IF we decide, we can kill all Zionists
سردار فدوی: "اراده کنیم" کل صهیونیستها را از بین می بریم
Massive fire and explosion in Steel market near Tehran
جزییات انفجار و آتشسوزی گسترده مشکوک در بازار آهن شادآباد

Mother of 14 year old beaten by Morality Police for not covering her hair: No one cares about our complaints!
مادر نفس حاجی شریف ۱۴ ساله درباره خشونت گشت ارشاد: هنوز از شکایتها نتیجهای نگرفتهایم
The death of another political prisoner after being freed from prison: Sara Deldar
توضیحات قوه قضائیه درباره فوت یک زندانی سیاسی؛ علت فوت سارا دلدار چه بود؟
Israeli attacks shut down Lebanon-Syria road, Cutting off Syria-Hezbollah route
جاده بینالمللی بین لبنان و سوریه و شاهراه ارتباطی ایران حزب الله پس از بمباران اسرائیل بسته شد
Flights suspended in Iran, Confusion on refunds
پروازهای باطل شده و بلاتکلیفی عجیب مسافران
More than 55 killed in mysterious mine explosion in Iran
تعداد کشتههای انفجار مشکوک معدن طبس بیش از ۵۵ تن است
Iran Air to pay a price for supporting Russia with missiles: Boycott by Germany, France, UK and US
Mohsen Rezaei lashes out at Russians for duplicity
انتقادات تند شجاعانه محسن رضایی از دورویی روس ها
Motahari: Russia is costing Iran in many ways
مطهری: ما به خاطر روسیه از دو سو باید لطمه ببینیم
Pictures and details of attack by gunmen on Iran's border agents in Mirjaveh
تصاویر و جزئیات حمله مسلحانه و مرگبار به ماموران فراجا در میرجاوه
Faezeh Hashemi, daughter of former Iranian President, from inside political prison, calls some freedom fighters as little dictators
Will Pezeshkian help free fighter close to Commander Soleymani arrested by American forces in Iraq?
پزشکیان در تلاش برای آزادی همرزم سردار سلیمانی دستگیر شده توسط کماندوهای آمریکایی در عراق؟
Sports, World, Society, Culture:
Iran crushes Qatar 4-1 in World Cup Qualifier
انتقام شیرین ایران از قطر؛ پیروزی پرگل در راه صعود به جام جهانی (+خلاصه بازی)
Elon Musk predicts Kamala will tyrannically censor or bankrupt Twitter if elected
In 2 years, the Tehran province has received one million new foreign residents (mostly Afghans) and 400,000 new migrants
طی دو سال اخیر یکمیلیون اتباع خارجی و ۴۰۰ هزار نفر مهاجر به جمعیت استان تهران اضافه شده
The Commander who returned to his machine shop after the war instead of chasing positions and businesses
فرمانده ای که پس از جنگ به کارگاه تراشکاریاش بازگشت و دنبال مقام و منصب و برج سازی نرفت
Related to Headlines:
- Top Headlines: New Lady Minister, Karrubi, Explosions, Hijab Tensions
- Top Headlines: Power Outages, Fires, Hijab Tensions Continue
- Top Headlines: Massive Fires, Assassinations, and Crack Down on Women without a Scarf
- Top Headlines: Israel and Women are Now at the Clerics' Main Battle Fronts
- Top Headlines: Collapsing Economy and Crack Down on Scarfless Women on the Brink of War with Israel
- News Headlines: From Mehrjui's Funeral to Iran's Involvement in Israel-Palestine War
- News Headlines: Tension and Arrests Continue on the Anniversary of Mahsa's Death
- News Headlines: Continued Warming, Drought and Unrest Related to Mandatory Hijab
- News Headlines: Confrontations Continue in Iran and in Persian Gulf
- Iranian Women Still in News Headlines
- Popular and Most Visited News Headlines
- Popular and Most Visited News Headlines
- News Headlines from Iran
- News Headlines from Iran
- News Headlines from Iran
Related to Israel:
- Sky News' Forensics of Targeted Killing of a 5-Year-Old by Israeli Forces
- Videos: Reza Pahlavi in DC, and Alleged Iran's Israeli Agent?
- Iranian Analyst Lashes out at Russia, Azerbaijan for Collusion against Iran and Armenia
- News Analysis: What is Israel's Goal in Humiliating Iran?
- Video Updates on the Israel, Gaza, Hezbollah and Iran War
- US Congressman Discusses Trump, Iran and His Life Story from Rags to Riches
- Analysts Suspect Israel was Behind Raisi's Death
- From Israel to Ukraine: A Perspective on Iran's Role in Emerging Wars and Alliances
- Hearing Both Sides of Iran-Israel Missile Attacks
- US Media Quote Young Iranian Americans on Israel Palestine Conflict
- Iran Says It Successfully Simulated Destruction of Israeli Airbase
- Jones Explains Israel-HAMAS-Iran Nexus
- Bassem Youssef Uncensored: The Plight of Palestinians
- In Pictures: Tehran's Old Jewish Neighborhoods
- Javad Zarif Shares His Forecast about Israel, Iran, Russia and the World
Related to Hijab:
- Top Headlines: New Lady Minister, Karrubi, Explosions, Hijab Tensions
- With or Without Hijab: Iranian Athletes Excel in Olympics
- News Analysis: What is Israel's Goal in Humiliating Iran?
- Top Headlines: Massive Fires, Assassinations, and Crack Down on Women without a Scarf
- Top Headlines: Collapsing Economy and Crack Down on Scarfless Women on the Brink of War with Israel
- Golshifteh, Shajarian and the Nobel Committee Honor Narges Mohammadi
- Iranian Actresses and Journalists Punished for Defying Mandatory Head Scarf
- News Headlines: Tension and Arrests Continue on the Anniversary of Mahsa's Death
- News Headlines: Continued Warming, Drought and Unrest Related to Mandatory Hijab
- Iranian Women Still in News Headlines
- Popular and Most Visited News Headlines
- Videos: In Nowruz, American and Iranian Leaders Focus on Iranian Women
- News Headlines from Iran
- News Headlines from Iran
- Weekly Headlines: Protests in Defiance of Mandatory Hijab Continue