15 million visitors in one night for one Iranian website!
The well known religious (Shia) lyricist (Maddah) Mahmood Karimi on Iranian TV claims that his prayer website is visited by 14-15 million people in one Ashoora night, 42% of them (around 6 million) from U.S. and Canada.
Note: The highest ranking Iranian website (Blogfa.com) which ranks third in Iran in daily traffic after Google and Yahoo, is said to enjoy less than 1 million visitors a day. The total number of Shia muslims in U.S. and Canada is estimated at less than 2 million. In September, an Iranian Internet Security official and member of Revolutionary Guard Corps (Mr. Ebrahim Bayani) had complained that "sexually oriented" websites have the highest traffic in Iran even on holy mourning days like Ashoora:
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